interpris / NVivo

interpris – Intuitive data analysis software designed for public policy experts analyzing surveys. Take advantage of the most intuitive data analysis software to find what others can’t. We consulted extensively with people who conduct surveys around the globe to understand the challenges in organizing and reviewing free text data. The result is Interpris—easy-to-use and powerful software designed for smarter data analysis.

NVivo – Import data from virtually any source – text, audio, video, emails, images, spreadsheets, online surveys, social and web content and more. With advanced data management, query and visualisation tools, NVivo lets you ask complex questions of your data so you can discover more.

Use when you need to:

  • Scan and research

Style of interaction:

  • Consult

Product / Service features

Data analysis,


AU: +61 3 9840 4900
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QSR International Pty Ltd
Australia, New Zealand, & Oceania

2nd Floor, 651 Doncaster Road
Doncaster, Victoria 3108